Robert vondreele at anl.gov
Thu Aug 9 12:47:24 CDT 2012

Hi All,
Perhaps it is time for a GSAS-II update.. The version number is now 705, 
so if you haven't updated in a while I'd do it now. Some recent changes 
include a number of fixes for the Mac version (I now have a working Mac 
& could address these). One now sees a I100 column in the Reflection 
List, after a Refine the window you were viewing last is restored with 
the new values, there is a 'Use' flag for each histogram (in each 
phase), Refine output is in a separate .lst file, etc.
Work is in progress on restraints, strain tensor refinement from images 
& structure cleanup after charge flipping.
Comments on bugs, errors & suggestions are welcome.
Bob Von Dreele

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