[GSAS-II] Data Exclusion in GSAS-2

Toby, Brian H. toby at anl.gov
Sat Mar 29 11:26:13 CDT 2014

Did you get a reply from Bob Vondreele suggesting that you add a background peak? This would be a better route than excluding the data. (To do that, change the "No. Peaks" at bottom of background tab and set the position to the appropriate location. Refine sig or gam and int before pos).

If you really want to exclude data, follow the tool-tip on the tree window when you select the add exclude menu item: click on the first data point to exclude and then drag the mouse over the range to exclude. You can then move the region by editing the numbers or dragging the lines.


On Mar 28, 2014, at 12:15 AM, Shoaib Muhammad wrote:


I am trying to refine Metal Oxide HRPD data which has bad ground as shown in attached screenshot. I want to exclude part of this data 20-25 degree. In GSAS2 tree menu, under PWDR section, in Limits and then Edit, I can find “Add Exclude” but nothing happens when I click this feature. I would be very thankful if anybody could guide me how to use this feature.

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Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.                            office: 630-252-5488
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Advanced Photon Source
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Argonne National Laboratory
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