[GSAS-II] Simulating a diffraction pattern in GSASII

Shoaib Muhammad mshoaibce at gmail.com
Wed May 21 01:04:10 CDT 2014

Dear All,


I am trying to simulate a neutron diffraction pattern in GSAS2. To do this,
I have first introduced a phase by using a CIF file, imported an instrument
resolution file and selected suitable scale. By running the refinement cycle
I can see the expected simulated pattern in GSASII plot window. When I try
to export this pattern (to use in plotting software) by "Export", "Powder
Data as" and then CSV or txt, I get pattern only  from 15 to 20 degree
although in preview windows I can see my selected range, that is 15 to 140
degree. Kindly let me know the correct procedure to export this simulated

I have attached the gpx and output txt file.






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