[GSAS-II] error reading instrument file

William Boyer WBoyer at protoxrd.com
Fri Jun 27 13:24:25 CDT 2014



I get this error upon loading a sample parameters file which I saved from a
previous GSAS-II successful refinement:


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\GSASII\GSASIIpwdGUI.py", line 1379, in


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\GSASII\GSASIIpwdGUI.py", line 1645, in

    if 'list' in str(type(data[key])):

KeyError: 'Shift'


I attach the samprm file.


Can you tell me how to fix this?


Thank you very much,

William Boyer, PhD

<><   ><>

Materials Scientist

Proto Manufacturing Inc

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