[GSAS-II] Some issues

Andrzej Falenty afalent at gwdg.de
Wed Nov 5 08:30:15 CST 2014

Dear all,

I presently try to get the sequence refinement working. I was partially 
successful but I am also plagued by a number of bugs. I had a hard time 
to pinpoint most of them but two of them are very persistent and seem to 
screws GSASII to the point where nothing works any more, including 
previous successful refinements. I will be very grateful for some 
insight how to avoid at least the two frequent errors listed below.  
Here is some more info:

- The first error appeared after I have removed the third phase from the 
refinement and I think the program did not really realise this fact. I 
had to start the whole experimental form the beginning and it helped.
- Second issue appeared after adding excluded regions to the sequential 
refinement. Restarts of the whole program and a creation of new 
experimental files from scratch do not help.

Other potential improvements:
- Perhaps it is only me but a constant resizing of the window containing 
the phase/PWD options (while flipping between options) is really 
annoying. Please add a possibility to fix the window size.
- While importing structures from existing experimental files please 
allow for more than one phase to be imported at the same time
- Removing excluded regions seems to be impossible at the moment and it 
would be very handy option.
- Allow in Phase->Data to automatically show settings for the first 

best wishes


                General Structure Analysis System-II
              by Robert B. Von Dreele and Brian H. Toby
                Argonne National Laboratory(C), 2010
  This product includes software developed by the UChicago Argonne, LLC,
             as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory.
                            Please cite:
      B.H. Toby and R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549 (2013)

C:\GSASII>python "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py" ""
GSAS-II binary directory:  C:\GSASII\binwin2.7
Python module versions loaded:
python:      2.7.3
matplotlib:  1.1.0
numpy:       1.6.1
scipy:       0.10.1
OpenGL:      3.0.2a5
pillow:      1.1.7
Platform info: win32 32bit AMD64
This is GSAS-II version:      0.2.0  revision 1562
Read powder data PWDR CO2D2O_2bar-to-210Kexp_620176.gsa Bank 1 from file 
D:\03_Post-Doc (Goettingen)\Exp\ILL\2008_Expansivity-DecC
H4-hydr\1_CO2D2O_2bar-to-210Kexp\CO2D2O_2bar-to-210Kexp_620176.gsa with 
parameters from D:\03_Post-Doc (Goettingen)\Exp\ILL\2008_E
xpansivity-DecCH4-hydr\D20.prm bank 1
No covariance matrix available
no phases found in GetPhaseNames
no phases found in GetPhaseData
Read phase from C:/Users/Andre/Desktop/Al2O3_2101052_edt.cif from file 
D:\03_Post-Doc (Goettingen)\Exp\ILL\2012_sep_Exchange_CH4-C
O2_Exp_Ne Hydrate\GSAS - two 
Read phase CO2_D2O_Alice_neutron_low_S from file D:\03_Post-Doc 
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 122, in MenuBinding
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIlog.py", line 458, in InvokeMenuCommand
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 2734, in OnDeletePhase
KeyError: u'New phase'
Read phase Ih_D2O_ICE from file D:\03_Post-Doc 
No covariance matrix available
No covariance matrix available
save to file:  D:\03_Post-Doc 
project save successful

First error

  Hessian refinement on 12 variables:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 122, in MenuBinding
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIlog.py", line 458, in InvokeMenuCommand
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 3438, in OnRefine
     Rw = G2stMn.Refine(self.GSASprojectfile,dlg)
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMain.py", line 181, in Refine
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMain.py", line 66, in RefineCore
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIImath.py", line 111, in HessianLSQ
     M = func(x0,*args)
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMath.py", line 2231, in errRefine
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMath.py", line 1621, in getPowderProfile
     Phase = Phases[phase]
KeyError: u'from C:/Users/Andre/Desktop/Al2O3_2101052_edt.cif'
save to file:  D:\03_Post-Doc 

Second error

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 122, in MenuBinding
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIlog.py", line 458, in InvokeMenuCommand
   File "C:\GSASII\\GSASII.py", line 3438, in OnRefine
     Rw = G2stMn.Refine(self.GSASprojectfile,dlg)
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMain.py", line 181, in Refine
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMain.py", line 61, in RefineCore
   File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\minpack.py", line 
276, in leastsq
     m = _check_func('leastsq', 'func', func, x0, args, n)[0]
   File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\minpack.py", line 
13, in _check_func
     res = atleast_1d(thefunc(*((x0[:numinputs],) + args)))
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMath.py", line 2231, in errRefine
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIstrMath.py", line 1604, in getPowderProfile
     yb = 
   File "C:\GSASII\GSASIIpwd.py", line 570, in getBackground
     q = 4.0*np.pi*npsind(xdata/2.0)/wave
   File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\ma\core.py", line 3650, in 
     return divide(self, other)
   File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\ma\core.py", line 1079, in 
     m |= filled(domain(da, db), True)
   File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\ma\core.py", line 772, in 
     return umath.absolute(a) * self.tolerance >= umath.absolute(b)
FloatingPointError: underflow encountered in multiply
save to file:  D:\03_Post-Doc 
project save successful

Dr. Andrzej Falenty <afalent at gwdg.de>
Abt. Kristallographie
GZG, Georg-August-Universität
Goldschmidtstraße 1
D-37077 Göttingen

Tel. 0049 551 3912150

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