[GSAS-II] Problem with sequential refinement of large data set

Ivo Alxneit ivo.alxneit at psi.ch
Tue Mar 5 01:20:09 CST 2019

Hi Brian

I am working on a linux computer (Ubuntu 16.04) on a Intel(R) Xeon(R)
CPU E3-1245 v5 @ 3.50GHz , 8192 KB cache and 16 GB of memory.

top shows me (with GSASII running on 1CPU at 100%)

20   0 7881064 6.502g  27684 R 100.3 42.0   4876:03 python
KiB Mem : 16213672 total,
          5401416 free,
          7611696 used,
          3200560 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 16557052 total,
          15971456 free,
          585596 used.
          7927612 avail Mem

So, GSASII uses about half the physical memory available on the machine
and swapping is not yet active. I think memory is not an issue/limiting

Until now I only used GSASII on this machine but I check for access to
big memory machines and let you know. Sure, I would be willing to do
some timing runs for you.

On 04.03.19 18:03, Toby, Brian H. wrote:
> Hi Ivo, 
>    You do not comment on what scale/type of computer you are using for
> this. It would be interesting to know if this is Windows, Mac or Linux
> and how much memory the computer has. This could simply be a memory-swap
> problem, as the way GSAS-II works is to keep the entire GPX file in
> memory and that is going to create a much bigger demand with a 1Gb
> project. If you have access to big-memory machine it would be
> interesting to know if this makes a difference. 
>    Bob and I spoke about this earlier and he suggested that a likely
> reason for the slowdown has to do with the way we handle file IO. After
> every pattern is fit, the entire GPX file is written and probably reread
> as well. If you would be willing, we can put some debug statements into
> the code that would allow seeing where the 45 seconds are being
> consumed. Reorganizing the sequential refinement code to avoid some of
> this should then be possible. Just to confirm, you see the 45
> seconds/pattern with your 1 Gb project, regardless if you set the
> fitting range as say 10 patterns or the entire range. Correct? 

No, until now I tested separate projects where I only loaded the
required pattern. I'll test what happens in the 1GB/8XXX pattern project
if I only fit a small range of the pattern (Right now I am running an
8XXX pattern job that will finish tomorrow). I'll let you know as soon
as I have the results.

>    Parallel processing is also certainly a possibility. It can already
> be done with scripting (see O’Donnell, J. H., Dreele, R. B. V., Chan, M.
> K. Y. & Toby, B. H. (2018)./Journal of Applied Crystallography/*51*,
> 1244-1250.) — reprint on request, but the most straightforward approach
> of simply assigning each processor every n-th pattern would require n
> copies of the GPX file, which would amplify the memory problems
> described in the 1st paragraph. 
>    Please let us know if you have any experience with use of different
> types of machines, and if you are willing to do some timing runs for us. 
> Brian
>> On Mar 4, 2019, at 3:33 AM, Ivo Alxneit via GSAS-II
>> <gsas-ii at aps.anl.gov <mailto:gsas-ii at aps.anl.gov>> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I am having a problem with sequential refinements in GSASII. I have a
>> large data set where the changes to the few fitted parameters (scale
>> factor, one lattice parameter, three background parameters) are minor
>> and slow. If I fit a single pattern, the fit takes about one second
>> including saving the data. If I do a sequential refinement of less than
>> 100 patterns (starting values are very close to final values in all
>> pattern) time to fit one pattern remains about the same. If I work with
>> 1200 pattern the time increases to about three seconds. Finally, if I
>> use the whole series of 8500 patten the time to fit a single pattern
>> increases to about 45 seconds!
>> From my understanding the time to fit a single pattern in a sequential
>> refinement should be approximately constant as the fits are independent
>> of each other. I might expect a small increase of the time because the
>> data structure (project) becomes larger and so does the file that is
>> saved after each fit (8500 pattern: 1GB). The reality, however, shows a
>> more than linear increase of the time-per-pattern. How can this happen?
>> Where is more than 98% of the time spent?
>> In the same context. Shouldn't parallel execution of a sequential
>> refinement be "trivial" to be implemented: Each CPU grabs the next
>> pattern waiting to be refined and works on it. "Copy previous results"
>> would turn into "Get results from last refined pattern". These are
>> starting values and it should not make much of a difference if the are
>> from pattern n-1 or n-x (x being typically not too large).
>> Any insight is appreciated.
>> -- 
>> Dr. Ivo Alxneit
>> Catalysis for Energy Group
>> Bioenergy and Catalysis Laboratory        phone: +41 56 310 4092
>> Paul Scherrer Institute                     fax: +41 56 310 2688
>> CH-5232 Villigen                      gnupg key: 0x515E30C7
>> Switzerland
>> https://www.psi.ch/ceg/
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Dr. Ivo Alxneit
Catalysis for Energy Group
Bioenergy and Catalysis Laboratory        phone: +41 56 310 4092
Paul Scherrer Institute                     fax: +41 56 310 2688
CH-5232 Villigen                      gnupg key: 0x515E30C7

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