[GSAS-II] Unable to import powder data with Bruker RAW format

Schujman, Sandra sschujman at sunypoly.edu
Wed May 15 12:44:31 CDT 2019


I recently started using GSAS for powder diffraction refinement. I have a Bruker D8 Advance system. I was being able to open my files without any issue, and I had started the refinement procedure successfully,  but a couple of updates later I am getting the error message posted at the bottom of this message.
Did any of the updates modified the RAW reader? Is this a GSAS bug? Should I uninstall the program and reinstall it?
Thank you for your program, and your help!


               General Structure Analysis System-II
             by Robert B. Von Dreele and Brian H. Toby
               Argonne National Laboratory(C), 2010
This product includes software developed by the UChicago Argonne, LLC,
            as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory.
                           Please cite:
     B.H. Toby and R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549 (2013)
                  for small angle use also cite:
     R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 1784-9 (2014)
                  for DIFFaX use also cite:
     M.M.J. Treacy, J.M. Newsam and M.W. Deem,
                  Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 433A, 499-520 (1991)

C:\Users\ss626815\Desktop>C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\python.exe C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\GSASII\GSASII
.py ""
GSAS-II binary directory: C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\GSASII\bindist
7 values read from config file C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\GSASII\config.pyc
Python module versions loaded:
  Python:     2.7.12
  matplotlib: 1.5.3
  numpy:      1.11.2
  scipy:      0.18.1
  OpenGL:     3.1.1a1
  PIL.Image:  3.4.2
  Platform:   win32 64bit AMD64
This is GSAS-II revision 3977

The Bruker RAW ver. 3 reader was not able to read file C:\Users\ss626815\Documents\Measurements in samples\XRD\Natalya - BaWO4\BaWO4-Sample1.raw

Error message(s):

Bruker RAW ver. 3 read error:
  Unhandled read exception: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
  Traceback info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\GSASII\GSASIIdataGUI.py", line 806, in OnImportGeneric
  File "C:\Users\ss626815\AppData\Local\Continuum\g2conda\GSASII\imports\G2pwd_BrukerRAW.py", line 167, in Reader
    y = np.array([max(1.,st.unpack('<f',fp.read(4))[0]) for i in range(nSteps)])
error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

Dr. Sandra B. Schujman
Metrology Manager

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251 Fuller Rd., Albany, NY 12203
Cell (518) 461-4020
Email: sschujman at sunypoly.edu
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