[GSAS-II] Different profiles for different phases

Bartłomiej Gędziorowski gedzior at agh.edu.pl
Fri Sep 6 07:08:49 CDT 2019

Hello Everybody,

first of all I'd like to say hello to everybody, because this is my 
first post in this list. My name Is Bartłomiej Gędziorowski, I work at 
AGH UST in Cracow, Poland and I'm a materials scientist.

I worked few years with GSAS+EXPGUI, now from some time I'm migrating to 
GSASII and I cannot find one feature. It is the setting of different 
profile sets for different phases for a single histogram. I have a 
sample in form of a thin layer on a beryllium substrate. As a result on 
diffractograms I can see both my material reflections, quite wide 
because of sub-micron grains, and very thin beryllium. This causes a 
problem, because I cannot find suitable set of profile values for 
double-phase refinement. I worked it around putting beryllium 
reflections in the background, but that's not a good solution for me. 
The beryllium peaks are very helpful, because they allow to precisely 
fit sample displacement - we use special in-situ cell in which placing 
sample in right position is challenging and we always have some shift. 
For that reason it would be perfect to do a double-phase fit.

I would be grateful for some suggestions how to solve my issue.

Best regards,

Bartłomiej Gędzioroski, Ph.D.
AGH University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
Department of Hydrogen Energy,
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow, Poland

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