[GSAS-II] Different profiles for different phases

Bartłomiej Gędziorowski gedzior at agh.edu.pl
Tue Sep 10 06:15:20 CDT 2019

Dear Arianna and Bob,

thank You for the answers, now I understand my mistake. I tried to use 
same procedure from GSAS+EXPGUI, where I used to have different set of 
GU,GX and LY for different phases. Please correct me, if I'm wrong. I 
that approach profiles were fitted with purely mathematical functions 
without physical meaning. Now, in GSASII, we try to fit shape with 
parameters by functions with physical meaning, like domain size, 
mustrain etc.

I'll also consider using transparency for my fitting. I completely 
forgot about that and actually it seems reasonable in my case.

Thank You one again for your help.

Kind regards,
Bartłomiej Gędziorowski

Bartłomiej Gędzioroski, Ph.D.
AGH University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
Department of Hydrogen Energy,
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow, Poland

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