[GSAS-II] Refining 2D layered materials
Bartłomiej Gędziorowski
gedzior at agh.edu.pl
Tue Dec 10 03:12:42 CST 2019
Dear Dylan,
Probably problem results from the fact that GSAS cannot refine parameter
a and b, because there are no appropriate reflections. Try to disable
refining of the unit cell parameters, instead refine hydrostatic/elastic
strain in Data tab. Select only parameter that corresponds with c (D33
if I'm correct). At the ned of the refinement you can do Edit
Phase->Apply strain to lattice constants (also in Data tab).
W dniu 10.12.2019 o 01:39, Dylan J Bardgett via GSAS-II pisze:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to perform Le Bail fits and eventually rietveld
> refinements on layered 2D heterostructure with known orientations to
> the substrate. More specifically, my samples are all oriented such
> that the 001 axis is aligned with the silicon substrate. The
> diffraction patterns were collected on a lab diffractometer oriented
> such that only (hk0) reflections will be observed. I have tried
> experimenting with the preferred orientation parameters, but I get a
> "Refinement error: invalid metric tensor, cell/Dij refinement not
> advised" error whenever I try to refine the unit cell with a non-unity
> March-Dollase ratio. I haven't been able to find any tutorials on
> refining layered materials in GSAS-II. Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Best,
> Dylan
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Bartłomiej Gędzioroski, Ph.D.
AGH University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
Department of Hydrogen Energy,
al. Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow, Poland
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