[GSAS-II] Bug report: Incorrect handling of PIL Image objects
Gleb Dovjenko
dovjenko.g at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 19:03:45 CDT 2020
Dear Colleagues,
I found a small bug in TIF_ReaderClass.Reader function. To reproduce it
just open the image from the attachment by doing "Import / Image / from
TIF image file". This image was not created by a detector directly, but
made from a detector-produced .h5 file for convenience.
When TIF_ReaderClass.Reader is called, GetTifData function fails on
it (imports/G2img_1TIF.py line 68), then the image is correctly opened with
PIL, but on lines 86 and 87 .shape property is called on a PIL.Image
object, which it does not have. If I insert a line
self.Image.shape = self.Image.size
on line 75, everything works fine (I used this hack because there are a few
.shape calls down the line and this is an easy way to check if they are the
only issue, and they are).
Thank you and best regards,
Gleb Dovzhenko.
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