[GSAS-II] Refinement Controls in GSAS Scriptable?

Creuziger, Adam Abel (Fed) adam.creuziger at nist.gov
Mon Jul 6 13:37:09 CDT 2020

I was wondering where the refinement controls are set in the GSAS scriptable interface?  I am following the tutorial at:

and dug around a bit in the ‘GSASIIscriptable.py’ file, but could not find them.

Dr. Adam Creuziger
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Gaithersburg, MD USA 20899.8553
Office 301-975-6015
adam.creuziger at nist.gov<mailto:adam.creuziger at nist.gov>

Visiting Research Affiliate Faculty, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Colorado School of Mines

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