[GSAS-II] More GRAS-2 problems on linux

Lambert van Eijck - TNW L.vanEijck at tudelft.nl
Mon Oct 19 10:22:32 CDT 2020

Dear Anselm,

this works for me:

   Python:     3.7.7
   wx:         4.0.4
   matplotlib: 3.3.1
   numpy:      1.19.1
   scipy:      1.5.2
   OpenGL:     3.1.1a1
   Image:      7.2.0 (PIL or Pillow)
   Platform:   linux 64bit x86_64
   Max threads:2
This is GSAS-II revision 4593 (SVN version 4593)

As I understand it, it is mostly the Wx part that can cause problems. In 
my case, typically buttons are too small whereby you have to guess what 
the text inside a button or a menu is (sometimes). I am using debian 
(very similar to ubuntu)

best regards, Lambert

On 19-10-2020 15:37, Anselm Loges via GSAS-II wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have more problems to report with my attempt at installing GSAS-2 on
> linux. After a number of failed attempts to refine real data, I decided to
> take a step back and go through some tutorials step by step, using the
> provided exercise files in order to pinpoint the errors.
> I tried this tutorial:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov_pyGSAS_Tutorials_CWInstDemo_FindProfParamCW.htm&d=DwICAg&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=FxD7Kcst4mS8VCDAHRkqe36y3pr4sDcj8rssHiK3iDk&m=BBoetTyYX2FnBrOu6fOgm5VfhyiLPuRTG4kG78gpxp8&s=HW9kQisBw1ojztgnWWNO98uEBeQjIB6roVleDGCk_Ek&e=
> The first noticeable error occurs at "Step 11: Plot Profile Parameters
> with Individual Peak Widths (optional)". The resulting plot is as expected
> except that the dashed fit lines are missing. The legend is correct,
> though, including dashed lines.
> Moving on, I get to "Step 2.5: Refine Histogram Parameters" just fine. But
> here, the "Calculate/Refine" action spits out a diagram that has the "obs"
> line and points but neither "calc" nor "bkg". They again show up in the
> legend. So far I assumed that there is a problem with matplotlib version
> incompatibility, which is a bit of a infamous nuisance in Python programs.
> However, the difference plot at the bottom is identical with the observed
> data (apart from scaling), which suggests that nothing has been
> calculated. This tells me that scipy may also have a problem.
> None of the subsequent steps seem to be doing anything.
> Also, whenever I refine anything, a window pops up very briefly, which I
> assume is supposed tell me the progress and quality of the fit. However,
> this window closes again before anything is displayed, usually within a
> fraction of a second after opening.
> Can someone tell me what the latest matplotlib, numpy and scipy versions
> are that are known to work on linux?
> I am running this setup right now:
>    Python:     3.6.9
>    wx:         4.0.7
>    matplotlib: 3.3.0
>    numpy:      1.19.2
>    scipy:      1.5.1
>    OpenGL:     3.1.5
>    Image:      7.2.0 (PIL or Pillow)
>    Platform:   linux 64bit x86_64
> This is GSAS-II revision 4588 (SVN version 4588)
> All on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on an Intel machine.
> Thanks,
> Anselm
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