[GSAS-II] Calibration of histograms to known peaks

Agyeman-Budu, David Nana agyeman at slac.stanford.edu
Fri May 21 15:17:18 CDT 2021

Hello all,

I am looking for assistance to calibrate my operando XRD images without using the default calibrants, but with Cu peaks in my data. I found out that the peaks in the my operando XRD data are shifted, and this is due to the sample-to-detector distance differences between my LaB6 calibration measurement and the operando measurement (the sample cell mount increased the distance away from the detector). Even though I have a good calibration I cannot apply it correctly to reduce my data. It also seems that choice of calibrants in the calibration controls are limited to what is available in the drop box.

Any advice or help on this would be appreciated.


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