[GSAS-II] [BUG] Unable to start application with python versions 3.10 or higher

Bartłomiej Gędziorowski b.gedzior at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 03:10:15 CST 2022

Hello everybody,

I use GSAS-II on Archlinux and I'm the maintainer of the 
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gsas2-svn package. In the current 
sources, there is a bug in the file GSASIIdataGUI.py at the line 617:

|elif platform.python_version()[:3] not in ['2.7','3.6','3.7','3.8','3.9']:|

I currently use python 3.10.2. This version is not only missing on the 
list, but also when added, the 'platform.python_version()[:3]' return 
3.1. I was able to make a hotfix for my self by changing the line as 

|elif platform.python_version()[:4] not in 

I don't know if it's a valid solution (I'm, not a python developer) but 
maybe You will find better one ;)

Best regards,
Bartłomiej Gędziorowski
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