mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to [email protected].) |
List | Description |
3DAT_TownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
8ID-XPCS-Users | APS XPCS Users |
9ID-CSSI-Users | APS CSSI Users |
AAI-Seminars | [no description available] |
AAI_External | [no description available] |
Advance_Photon_Source_Colleagues | Colleagues of the APS |
Aes_employees | All AES Employees |
ALDannounce | This list is for ALD announcements to APS staff |
ALDannounceAll | APS ALD announcements |
Aps-hpc-mgrs | APS HPC Administration |
Aps-hpc-wg | HPC Working Group |
APS-Life-Science-Council | Life Sciences Council |
APS-MFA | APS Beamline Notification |
Aps-partner-user-council | Members of the APS Partner User Council |
Aps-scientific-advisory-committee | Contains elected and ex-officio members of SAC |
Aps-user-organization | Elected and ex-officio members of the APSUEC |
Aps34idc-users | Sector 34-ID-C Users mailing list |
APS_34IDE_Users | [no description available] |
Aps_notify | APS Operations Event Notification List |
Aps_resident_users | This mailing list is for messages to APS resident user staff. |
Apsdeei | [no description available] |
Apsioc | [no description available] |
Apsu-planning | APS Upgrade Project Planning |
Apsu-support | [no description available] |
Apsu_employees | Mailing list for all APS-U employees |
Asd_employees | ASD Division Employees |
ASDAdmin | [no description available] |
ASLTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
BDP | [no description available] |
Beamline_controls | APS beam line controls |
BldAnnounce | APS Building Announcements |
Business_objects | [no description available] |
Cad_users | [no description available] |
Cdiwg | Coherent Diffraction Imaging Working Group |
Commonplatform | A Common Platform for 5 Synchrotrons |
Computer_info | APS Computing Information |
Computer_info_cats | APS & CAT Computing Information |
Core-talk | EPICS Core Developers' list |
CSSITownhall_Invite | [no description available] |
DM-Admin | [no description available] |
DM-Users | Broadcast list for users of the APS Data Management software |
early-career | Mailing list for topics relevant to early-career employees |
Echem | For users of the the 433-D030 e-chem lab. |
ESAF_System | APS ESAF System Communication and Correction List |
Floor_operations | Mailing List for APS Floor Coordinators |
General | APS General Announcements |
GeneralAll | APS General Announcements |
Group-leaders-xsd | XSD Group Leaders |
GSAS-II | News & Discussion for GSAS-II users |
HEXMTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
HPgroup | [no description available] |
HPnews | High Pressure Community |
ImagingTownHalls_Invite | [no description available] |
Irena_users | List for users of Irena SAXS analysis package. |
It-test | it-test email list |
Machine-maintenance | [no description available] |
Machine-studies | [no description available] |
McAfee_Alerts | [no description available] |
Nika_users | List for users of Nika Area detector data reduction package |
NRS-APS | For users of NRS beamlines and facilities at APS. |
NX-Remote-Admin | NX Remote Admins |
NX-Remote-Users | [no description available] |
PolarTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
Power_event | APS Power Interruption |
Project_support | [no description available] |
PSC_Com | [no description available] |
Psc_employees | Mailing list for all PSC/Admin employees |
Pvname | [no description available] |
Python-users | Python Users' Mailing List |
Sd-plan | [no description available] |
Sector12_TownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
Seminars | Upcoming Seminars |
Sharepoint_mgrs | [no description available] |
Small-angle | ANL Small-Angle Scattering Interest Group |
Spec-users | Mail-list for users of spec at APS. |
Srs | XSD-SRS group email distribution list |
SvnManagers | Subversion Repository Managers Discussion List |
SvnUsers | Subversion Users Discussion and Help List |
Tech-talk | EPICS Mailing List |
Tomography | Developments in X-Ray Tomography |
Twg | InterCAT Technical Workgroup |
Ultrafast_sig | APS Ultrafast Scientific Interest Group |
Usaxs_users | Newsletter for USAXS users |
Web_Staff | APS website and content developer's mailing list |
XPCS-Working-Group | XPCS working group - meant to deal with XPCS analysis, papers, user involvement, etc. |
XPCSTownhall_Invite | [no description available] |
xray-notify | APS Beamline Notification |
XRAYOPS | APS Experiment Hall X-ray Operations Problem List |
xsd-coffee-talks | Mailing list for Imaging, Microscopy and Computational X-Ray Science groups' coffee talks |
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