Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact [email protected]. |
List | Description |
3DAT_TownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
8ID-XPCS-Users | APS XPCS Users |
9ID-CSSI-Users | APS CSSI Users |
AAI-Seminars | [no description available] |
AAI_External | [no description available] |
Advance_Photon_Source_Colleagues | Colleagues of the APS |
Aes_employees | All AES Employees |
ALDannounce | This list is for ALD announcements to APS staff |
ALDannounceAll | APS ALD announcements |
Aps-hpc-mgrs | APS HPC Administration |
Aps-hpc-wg | HPC Working Group |
APS-Life-Science-Council | Life Sciences Council |
APS-MFA | APS Beamline Notification |
Aps-partner-user-council | Members of the APS Partner User Council |
Aps-scientific-advisory-committee | Contains elected and ex-officio members of SAC |
Aps-user-organization | Elected and ex-officio members of the APSUEC |
Aps34idc-users | Sector 34-ID-C Users mailing list |
APS_34IDE_Users | [no description available] |
Aps_notify | APS Operations Event Notification List |
Aps_resident_users | This mailing list is for messages to APS resident user staff. |
Apsdeei | [no description available] |
Apsioc | [no description available] |
Apsu-planning | APS Upgrade Project Planning |
Apsu-support | [no description available] |
Apsu_employees | Mailing list for all APS-U employees |
Asd_employees | ASD Division Employees |
ASDAdmin | [no description available] |
ASLTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
BDP | [no description available] |
Beamline_controls | APS beam line controls |
BldAnnounce | APS Building Announcements |
Business_objects | [no description available] |
Cad_users | [no description available] |
Cdiwg | Coherent Diffraction Imaging Working Group |
Commonplatform | A Common Platform for 5 Synchrotrons |
Computer_info | APS Computing Information |
Computer_info_cats | APS & CAT Computing Information |
Core-talk | EPICS Core Developers' list |
CSSITownhall_Invite | [no description available] |
DM-Admin | [no description available] |
DM-Users | Broadcast list for users of the APS Data Management software |
early-career | Mailing list for topics relevant to early-career employees |
Echem | For users of the the 433-D030 e-chem lab. |
ESAF_System | APS ESAF System Communication and Correction List |
Floor_operations | Mailing List for APS Floor Coordinators |
General | APS General Announcements |
GeneralAll | APS General Announcements |
Group-leaders-xsd | XSD Group Leaders |
GSAS-II | News & Discussion for GSAS-II users |
HEXMTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
HPgroup | [no description available] |
HPnews | High Pressure Community |
ImagingTownHalls_Invite | [no description available] |
Irena_users | List for users of Irena SAXS analysis package. |
It-test | it-test email list |
Machine-maintenance | [no description available] |
Machine-studies | [no description available] |
McAfee_Alerts | [no description available] |
Nika_users | List for users of Nika Area detector data reduction package |
NRS-APS | For users of NRS beamlines and facilities at APS. |
NX-Remote-Admin | NX Remote Admins |
NX-Remote-Users | [no description available] |
PolarTownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
Power_event | APS Power Interruption |
Project_support | [no description available] |
PSC_Com | [no description available] |
Psc_employees | Mailing list for all PSC/Admin employees |
Pvname | [no description available] |
Python-users | Python Users' Mailing List |
Sd-plan | [no description available] |
Sector12_TownHall_Invite | [no description available] |
Seminars | Upcoming Seminars |
Sharepoint_mgrs | [no description available] |
Small-angle | ANL Small-Angle Scattering Interest Group |
Spec-users | Mail-list for users of spec at APS. |
Srs | XSD-SRS group email distribution list |
SvnManagers | Subversion Repository Managers Discussion List |
SvnUsers | Subversion Users Discussion and Help List |
Tech-talk | EPICS Mailing List |
Tomography | Developments in X-Ray Tomography |
Twg | InterCAT Technical Workgroup |
Ultrafast_sig | APS Ultrafast Scientific Interest Group |
Usaxs_users | Newsletter for USAXS users |
Web_Staff | APS website and content developer's mailing list |
XPCS-Working-Group | XPCS working group - meant to deal with XPCS analysis, papers, user involvement, etc. |
XPCSTownhall_Invite | [no description available] |
xray-notify | APS Beamline Notification |
XRAYOPS | APS Experiment Hall X-ray Operations Problem List |
xsd-coffee-talks | Mailing list for Imaging, Microscopy and Computational X-Ray Science groups' coffee talks |
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