[GSAS-II] setting limits in linux blocks the 'number field'
Lambert van Eijck - TNW
L.vanEijck at tudelft.nl
Fri Jan 13 10:15:36 CST 2017
Dear all,
with the risk of annoying everyone, I have one more bug to post, for
Gsas2 on linux, todays version:
setting the (2theta) limits, the GUI field in which you enter the
number(2theta angle) turns yellow and blocks you filling in an
additional number. When I want to change 11<2theta<160 to for instance
20<2theta<160, I click on the lower limit (11) and want to fill in 20.
It take the first '2' of '20' and then, as I understand it, it doesn't
accept the angle '2' (basically checking the number before I've done
entering the '0').
btw: clicking on the right side of the entered '2', I can add the '0' to
have '20' as the new lower angle.
best regards, Lambert
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