[GSAS-II] Generalized anisotropic strain

Riley Hanus rhanus at u.northwestern.edu
Thu May 4 16:03:41 CDT 2017


I would like extract the strain value in, say the x-direction. Which is
difficult to extract from that bit map image. Is there a way to export data
values instead of the bitmap image?

Or is there an equation I could use that takes S400 and S220 as input?


On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Toby, Brian H. <toby at anl.gov> wrote:

> On May 4, 2017, at 12:42 PM, Riley Hanus <rhanus at u.northwestern.edu>
> wrote:
> I have used the generalized anisotropic mustrain model (Cubic crystal
> system, so S400 and S220 are used).  The generalized anisotropic model
> works well in fitting the peak broadening!
> 1) I wanted to confirm that the plot of mustrain is in strain*10^-6.
> Meaning mustrain*10^-4 = strain %.
> Numbers shown in data tab are strain*1,000,000 (10^6*delta-d/d or
> equivalently 10^6*delta-Q/Q; unit-less)
> 2) How do I either export the 3D strain plot that you can view when
> selecting Select plot type: mustrain under the Data tab.
> Use the “floppy disk” icon to export the plot as a bitmap image.
> Brian
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