[GSAS-II] Synchrotron parameter file

Bartłomiej Gędziorowski gedzior at agh.edu.pl
Fri Nov 22 07:34:29 CST 2019

Dear bob,

thank You for help!


W dniu 22.11.2019 o 14:04, Von Dreele, Robert B. pisze:
> Dear Bartek,
> I take your point. Actually trickier than one might think. Working on it.
> Bob
> On 11/22/2019 12:08 PM, Bartłomiej Gędziorowski via GSAS-II wrote:
>> Yes,
>> I know it sounds crazy, but if someone chose by mistake a wrong set 
>> than it would be nice to have the possibility to easily correct 
>> mistake. I think it would be easy to implement it by adding to the 
>> menu a position and use the same dialog window used during adding a 
>> histogram.
>> Bartek
>> W dniu 22.11.2019 o 10:47, Von Dreele, Robert B. pisze:
>>> Hi,
>>> You want to switch from one default to another? Say from lab CuKa to 
>>> synchrotron (or vice versa)?
>>> Bob
>>> P.S. I'm not up early in Chicago. I'm in the UK for 6 months.
>>> On 11/22/2019 9:43 AM, Bartłomiej Gędziorowski via GSAS-II wrote:
>>>> Dear Bob,
>>>> yes, I know that, but there I can only select parameters from file, 
>>>> or reset to default values. There is no way to chose different type 
>>>> of default profiles, the same way it can be done when you load 
>>>> histogram and press 'cancel' on profile prompt.
>>>> Bartłomiej,
>>>> W dniu 22.11.2019 o 10:36, Von Dreele, Robert B. pisze:
>>>>> Dear Bartlomiej,
>>>>> There are Save & Load menu items in Instrument Parameters for 
>>>>> saving a set of profile coefficients & then reading them in. If 
>>>>> you do this for the same histogram, it will reset the default values.
>>>>> Bob
>>>>> On 11/22/2019 9:30 AM, Bartłomiej Gędziorowski via GSAS-II wrote:
>>>>>> Thank You Brian,
>>>>>> i did it exactly same thing, but I was thinking that maybe 
>>>>>> someone here did measurements on this very equipment and got the 
>>>>>> parameter file.
>>>>>> However, I've got another question, this time about GSASII menus. 
>>>>>> The instrument parameters that can be refined for typical XRD are 
>>>>>> slightly different than these for synchrotron. E.g., for XRD we 
>>>>>> can select the type of radiation, and for synchrotron the wave 
>>>>>> length. Is there any way to change the parameters set, other than 
>>>>>> removing the histogram and adding it again?
>>>>>> Bartłomiej
>>>>>> W dniu 21.11.2019 o 17:52, Toby, Brian H. pisze:
>>>>>>> You might try one of the generic parameter sets (press cancel at 
>>>>>>> the parameter dialog) or just start with peak fitting to get 
>>>>>>> parameters from the pattern you have, (see Determining Starting 
>>>>>>> Profile Parameters from a Standard 
>>>>>>> <https://subversion.xray.aps.anl.gov/pyGSAS/Tutorials/CWInstDemo/FindProfParamCW.htm>). 
>>>>>>> Either way you will not be able to get useful information on 
>>>>>>> size and microstrain, but you can start without an instrument 
>>>>>>> parameter file.
>>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>>>> On Nov 21, 2019, at 10:00 AM, Bartłomiej Gędziorowski via 
>>>>>>>> GSAS-II <gsas-ii at aps.anl.gov <mailto:gsas-ii at aps.anl.gov>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>> My colleague got a pattern from a synchrotron 'BL02B2 — 
>>>>>>>> SPring-8'. I tried to help him with the refinement; however, 
>>>>>>>> it's my first attempt to fit synchrotron data and we don't have 
>>>>>>>> the parameter file. The colleague wrote an email to the 
>>>>>>>> operators, but we didn't get any response. I'm wondering if 
>>>>>>>> anybody did some measurements there and got the parameters? I 
>>>>>>>> will appreciate any help.
>>>>>>>> I post the link to the website of the synchrotron.
>>>>>>>> http://www.spring8.or.jp/wkg/BL02B2/instrument/lang-en/INS-0000000318/instrument_summary_view
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Bartłomiej
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Bartłomiej Gędzioroski, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> AGH University of Science and Technology,
>>>>>>>> Faculty of Energy and Fuels,
>>>>>>>> Department of Hydrogen Energy,
>>>>>>>> al. Mickiewicza 30
>>>>>>>> 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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